Steven Dromgool: Relate's Founder and Director - Training Couples Therapists.

Steven demonstrating Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy (PORT) at the 2023 Existential World Congress in Athens.
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Steven Dromgool - Trust and Betrayal Specialist

Steven's relationship therapy approach is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired.

Connection & Communication Issues, Affairs, Infidelity, Crisis Recovery

Steven is the Director of Relate Counselling and the only NZ therapist trained in the top five approaches to couples therapy and the lead author of Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy – an advanced integrated approach to working with couples.  He has worked with couples for over 2 decades.

Steven specialises in helping couples repair from trust and betrayal issues and to repair intimacy challenges and breakdowns. His approach is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired.

He also has a special interest in working with couples preparing for marriage and restoring lost connection. 

Steven runs assessments, the Sense and Sensuality couples weekend, full day and multi-day intensive therapy sessions and training and education workshops and seminars for professionals and clients.

Working with Steven typically starts with an assessment to develop an action and progress plan and also to see if additional or alternate resources are required.

Steven’s approach combines practical guidance and coaching in a warm and safe environment, along with teaching about the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of building love.  Steven also works with singles who want to prepare themselves to be in committed relationships or who are recovering from past relationship hurts. He is also very keen to work with couples preparing for marriage to help them avoid years of unnecessary pain and disappointment by building love well in the first place.

Steven travelled around the world to train under experts including Harville Hendrix, John and Julia Gottman, Stan Tatkin, Maya Kollman, Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson.  He has been actively involved in promoting and linking therapeutic and brain science insights to produce more powerful and integrated connection solutions. Steven led the Relate team in developing PORT (Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy), New Zealand’s first integrated approach to working with couples. His collaboration with other passionate international clinicians led him to be a contributor to HEART Humanistic Existential Approach to Relationship Therapy.

Steven Dromgool offers both Zoom and in person appointments. Select Rapid Assessments for communication and connection issues. Couples struggling with trust and betrayal issues should select an in-depth assessment. 

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