Book Relationship and Couples Therapy

Relationship Experts available In Person and Online.
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Choosing the Correct Relationship Therapist is Important.

Here are 3 reasons to trust Relate:
  1. Relate's therapists are specialists, trained in at least two specialist models of couples therapy.
  2. Relate team members have a minimum of 200 hours of couples therapy experience with couples - most have a lot more e.g. our Director Steven has over 10 000 hours.
  3. At Relate we believe in the power of relationships. Our team meets twice monthly for ongoing training and supervision, tapping into over 100 years of combined clinical experience. This helps us all.

Stefanie Bullock

Affairs, Relationship Issues, Effective Communication and Intimacy
In Person: Titirangi Auckland

Garey Clark

Communication, Relationships, Anxiety, Depression,
In Person: Papatoetoe South Auckland

Sue Bolam

Safe Communication, Cross-cultural Issues, Attachment, Anxiety & Depression
In Person: Ellerslie Auckland

Steven Dromgool

Connection & Communication Issues, Affairs, Infidelity, Crisis Recovery
In Person: Victoria Park
Not taking new clients

Joy Dorflinger

Communication Problems, Anxiety, Depression, Relationships
In Person: Rotorua

Will Vorobioff

Communication, Mood Disorders, Conflict
In Person: Newcastle Australia

Luna Rioumina

Communication, Eating Disorders, Mindfulness
In Person: Auckland CBD

Cath Baker

ADHD Specialist, Gallup Strengths for Couples, Connection
In Person: Sydney Australia

In Hwa

Relationship, Addiction, Communication, Mental Health, Cross-Cultural Issues
In Person: Glen Eden Auckland

Judy Dawson

Communication, Trauma and Abuse Recovery, New Relationship Counselling

Aren Wren

Migration, Relationships, Communication, Anxiety, Cross-Cultural Issues

David Elliott

Sex & Pornography Specialist Consultation and Couples Coaching

Daniel Gummo

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