Steven Dromgool 2 Hour Rapid Assessment with Steven Dromgool via Zoom

Steven Dromgool offers both Zoom and in person appointments. Select Rapid Assessments for communication and connection issues. Couples struggling with trust and betrayal issues should select an in-depth assessment. 

Steven's approach is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired. This is a 2 hour appointment.

Connection & Communication Issues, Affairs, Infidelity, Crisis Recovery

Steven is Relate's clinical director - trained in over 6 approaches to couples therapy and the founder of the Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy Institute. Steven's approach is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired. 

More about Steven

Steven 2 Hour Rapid Assessment - In Person at Victoria Park Auckland

Steven 3 Hour In-Depth Assessment - Zoom

Steven 3 Hour In-Depth Assessment - In Person at Victoria Park Auckland

Intensive (4 or 8 hours) Email