Addiction, Sex & Pornography Specialist, David Elliott

Specialist in sex and pornography addiction offering consultations and couples coaching

David is a specialist in sex and pornography addiction and is based in the United States

Substance abuse, 12 Step approaches, abstinence and harm reduction

David brings his extensive expertise to help individuals and couples overcome their struggles.

David studied counseling psychology at John F. Kennedy University in California, USA. Originally from an engineering background he was an integral part of the development of client directed measurement software with Scott Miller and Barry Duncan. David has been a practicing counselor off and on since 2007. Since the pandemic, his work is now online.

David has a long standing involvement in recovering from addiction and childhood neglect and trauma. He is deeply involved in a variety of 12 step support communities around the world. David has been a consultant for Relate because of this experience with the addiction and 12 step community and now has some limited availability to see Relate clients online. He is committed to helping create a supportive environment for clients to experience their best chance of success and freedom.

What is Porn and Sex Addiction?

Addictions expert David Elliott gives a description of how to understand if a couple struggles with Sex and Pornography addiction to New Zealand's Relate Relationship and Marriage Counselling Team

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