Sex and Pornography Addiction in Relationships

Sale price$79.00 USD

Is sex and pornography becoming a problem in your relationship? We explore the impact of sex and porn addiction on couples. There is much taboo and shame around this topic so we encourage a supportive and non-judgemental environment.

This course will help couples understand the nature of sex and pornography addiction.

Couples can use this course to help them learn:

  • Understanding the difference between addiction and unwanted behavior
  • How the relationship helps the couple to overcome addiction or unwanted behavior
  • How to manage intense feelings associated with withdrawal and betrayal.

Course Curriculum:

  • Is there a solution for sex and pornography addiction?
  • What couples need to know about sex and pornography addiction
  • What is normal sexuality?
  • The developmental roots of sex and pornography addiction
  • I have a problem, where do I start?
  • How do I support my partner with sex and pornography addiction?
  • How to manage betrayal
  • Shame, trauma, religion and compulsivity


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Sex and Pornography Addiction in Relationships and 20+ other courses are included in Relate Unlimited. Scroll down to learn more.

Relate Unlimited - it’s all the good stuff

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Conversations with our therapists and visiting experts.  Short and long courses on all things Relational. It’s what you need to know to create great relationships.  Regularly updated and interactive - send in your questions for tailored answers.  Always available on any device, it's there when you need it.

All offered for the monthly cost of a Netflix subscription.

Relate Unlimited will help you answer questions like: 

  • Can my relationship be better? 
  • Will couples therapy help? 
  • What are the secrets of awesome relationships? 
  • Why do we fight (even though we want to stop)?
  • Why does it feel like we are speaking different languages? 
  • And many, many more.

Relate Unlimited also includes specialized courses including:

  • How do I survive a betrayal? 
  • Escaping toxic masculinity?
  • Managing sex and pornography addiction

As therapists we know the need is vastly greater than our capacity to see clients.  Combining great therapy with key information helps us become more effective, therapy is easier, faster cheaper and more powerful. We want to make Relate Unlimited irresistible.

We priced Relate Unlimited at $15, because Netflix is $15 a month and a decent lunch is $15. In our minds making your relationship better is worth at least the cost of Netflix or lunch.

And just to make it easier we even included a free trial to see if you agree …

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