Couples Therapy Available in English and German Online with Stefanie

iStefanie has over two decades of experience working as a couples therapist and social worker. She trained internationally in New Zealand, USA, Germany and Australia.

Relationship Issues, Effective Communication and Intimacy, After hours online sessions available

Stefanie offers couples counselling in German and English.

BASW, Dip Couns, Dip FamTherapy, Certified Imago Relationship Therapist (CIRT) MNZAC

Stefanie has over two decades of experience working as a couples therapist and social worker. She trained internationally in New Zealand, USA, Germany and Australia.

Stefanie enjoys working with a wide variety of couples of diverse cultural, ethnic and sexual backgrounds. She offers communication training, assertive attendance, art therapy and mindfulness in her therapy practice and she always enjoys a good laugh with her couples! Counselling sessions can be offered in English or in German.

Stefanie is a relationship therapist based in Titirangi, Auckland

After hours appointments and in home appointments are also available! Please contact to schedule an in home appointment.

Review for Stefanie: “In the end we tried one more time -with Stef. We were skeptical, we were. Stef helped us out of our desperate place. We crawled out actually. We started to talk, slowly, full of anguish and angst. We were angry. So many years of stored up stuff. Stef helped us to speak. About our pain about our anger.. slowly we learned to walk again. Alone and together. We started to see good in the other we started to connect. We started to love each other again. To fall in love again. A crazy thing ….” – Liz and Antony, September 2018

Subsequent appointments are 295 NZD for a 60 minute appointment.

Work with Stefanie in person in Titirangi

Work with Stefanie in person at Victoria Park

Stefanie’s qualifications include: MNZAC, BASW, DipCouns, DipFamTherapy, PGDipCouplesTherapy, CertClinicalSup, Court Approved